At Team One Hyundai RBC we realize that our best form of advertising is you, our satisfied body of customers! Realizing this, we have developed a program to thank you for sharing your positive experiences with others and recommending us to them. Our commitment is to treat your referrals with the same level of respect and dedication to satisfaction we gave you.
The sales staff at Team One Hyundai RBC is excited about having you endorse or "Hunt" for us with your friends and family, and we are committed to making your "Hunting" season as fun and rewarding as you hope it will be.
Just think, successfully referring a couple of "Birds" (friends, family, co-workers) per month and you could receive $3225 or more (depending on the pay scale) per year as our way of saying,"Thank You" ! What would 4 "Birds" per month reward you? You won't believe the possibilities!
Just click the "Start Hunting" button below and you will see how easy it is!
Like any successful program, you must set forth guidelines in order to avoid misunderstandings or differences in opinions. Each registered Bird Dog must agree to a few rules and regulations set forth in order to participate in this exciting program. Your sales person may have "Pre-registered" you at the dealership. However, you are still required to review the following pages before it becomes official. If you have not been "Pre-registered" you will need to complete the short "Registration Page" at the end of this web site. There is only a few sections (including this one) to review prior to reaching the registration page.
Once the registration page is complete, a Username and Password will be assigned to you. Your Username will be your email address and your password will be the one you specify in the registration page.
A family may use the same Username and Password to help reach the next reward level or they may register on an individual basis. (This applies only to members of an immediate family living in the same household)
After reviewing each page, just click Next at the bottom to advance. You may also choose Back to go to the previous page for a second look
It's fun, it's exciting, it's different, and it's at Team One Hyundai RBC
We realize our business is changing... because we are the ones changing it!
The best part of the whole Bird Dog Club is getting a "Bone" or a reward for successfully recommending us to your family, friends and co-workers.
Referrals, or "Birds" will be tracked on an annual basis. On January 1st of each year, everyone will start a new "Hunt". Team One Hyundai RBC will send you referral “Bones” each time one of our Sales Consultants successfully sells a unit to a “Bird” that you refer!
What better way to advertise than to have satisfied customers like you helping us create more satisfied customers. The "Bones" we reward you with come from our advertising budget and will never be added to the price of the unit.
So, here's how the "Bone Chart" works
Seeking out birds (customers) is a learned behavior that can be mastered with the help of your hunter (salesperson) and a few tips listed below.
All of these things will contribute to making your hunting experience easier and more successful.
We want this program to be both FUN and REWARDING for everyone. However, there are three very important rules that we all must follow.
Rule #1- **The Bird (Referral) must ask specifically for your Hunter (Salesperson) by name and tell us that you sent them, BEFORE the Hunt (Sales Process) begins**
This is very important because a Hunter's worth is largely based on how well his/her Dogs retrieve. A Dog that retrieves Birds for just any Hunter must be retrained. This also eliminates any misunderstandings that can sometimes come from a Bird flying in on its own and one or more Dogs trying to claim it. In order to avoid confusion and keep the Hunt FUN FOR ALL, we suggest ONE of the following...
1. Email your Hunter (Salesperson) or the Hunter's Manager and give them the Bird's (Customer's) name and telephone number.
2. Call or email your Hunter or the Manager and let them know that a Bird is on the way and will ask for them specifically.
3. Just have the Bird ask specifically for your Hunter by name immediately upon arrival at the dealership. Even if your Hunter is out at the time, a record will be made of this and you will still receive credit once the sale is made.
Rule #2-** Remember that Bird Dogs and previous customers cannot be Birds. If someone has bought a unit from us before, or if they have ever received a Bird Dog Reward, they are not considered fair game**
Rule # 3 In the event that your Hunter is not at the dealership, instruct your Bird to inform any of our Sales Managers, they will facilitate the reward for you.
As you know Team One Hyundai RBC is very involved in internet sales and communications. You can easily access the Bird Dog Club® from our website. Once you enter the Bird Dog Club® simply click on the member button and you will find all the information concerning the club at your fingertips. Type in your Username along with your Password and view your current standings. (Including successful referral performance, reward level, bonus rewards, and year-to-date successful referrals) We want our "Dogs" to be "In the Know".
If you have e-mail, monthly you will receive our Bird Dog Newsletter. It will feature some of our " Top Dogs", a few hunting tips and possibly some additional monthly extras.
We may also send you periodic updates to make you aware of any specials or new inventory that we may have at that time. The more you know about us the better Bird Dog you will be. We want our Dogs to Hunt with Heart!
You may also call Team One Hyundai RBC and speak with our Bird Dog Club® Administrator, Greg Webb, at 256-413-8808 or email at . We welcome and appreciate your feedback.
Well, that's it! Yes, it really is that simple.
The "Registration" button will take you to our "Registration Page".
If you were "Pre-registered" by your sales person, Happy Hunting!!! You may login Here.